Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I love you foam roller, please don't hurt me

The miles are getting longer as we draw nearer to the LA marathon.

Jen and I ran 18 miles last weekend and are into recovery week before our next long run of 19 miles in two weeks.

The previous weekend our training schedule called for 15 miles so we made plans for a run on the WOD followed by grilled cheese and tots at the Space Bar in Falls Church.  Unfortunately they do not open until 5 pm on Sundays but we made the most of it with beers, food and catching up with our friend Ernie at the Mad Fox.  (When you are running for a couple of hours with your mind focused on tater tots as reward this is very disappointing, the Space Bar that is, not catching up with Ernie). 

As good as the company and beer were after the run I experienced one of those nagging runner injuries and I am to blame.  Not enough time on the foam roller taking card of the IT band and I paid for it at mile 14 and to make it worse I was having a great run.  The pain was so bad I had to stop at mile 14 and walk the rest of the way in, the only bright spot seeing Jen pass me on her way to strong finish.

Last week turned into multiple dates with my foam roller who treated me like a rented mule but there was some progress.  Enough so that I cruised through the 18 mile run with minimal pain and felt like I had some left in the tank at the end.

There are still lots of miles in front of us but I won't be neglecting my foam roller.   Or maybe I just need more tots.

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