Sunday, August 10, 2014

Vacation - Day 2 On to Provence

Time to get out of Zurich and make our way to Provence.  We picked up our car at the Zurich airport, a little black VW Golf TDI with a six speed.  A great little car with plenty of pep and excellent gas mileage.  Jen plugged in the address of our hotel in Provence and we headed down the highway for a seven hour drive enjoying German and French club music on the radio.

While I expected a Top Gear like adventure, the trip was more like any road trip in the U.S except with more polite drivers, passing only in the left lane, proper use of indicators, and good roads.  We also noticed a big difference between the quality of the rest areas in Switzerland and France.

It rained most of the trip but there was still some beautiful sight seeing along the way.  Our first little challenge of the day occurred when we hit a toll booth in France.  With no Euros and only our credit cards we said a little prayer to the travel gods and hoped it would work.  Success and a green light and on our way.   Getting closer to our destination and time to get off the major highway and onto the smaller highways but first one more toll booth.  Slide in the card and nothing, try another card and nothing.  Now traffic is backing up behind me and I am going nowhere.  I push the button for assistance but my conversational French is rusty and I get nowhere.  Finally someone comes out who speaks English and asks if we have any Euros.  She writes down the details from my driver's license and takes a photo of the car tag.  I am told the French toll booth authorities will be sending me a bill for the six euros I owe them.  Mental note to self, get some Euros at the next ATM!!!!

The rest of the trip is uneventful and after a few wrong turns on some narrow Provence roads we find our little inn, La Madelene which is a renovated 12th century priory near Mount Ventoux.  Just the perfect place to relax and unwind after the big race.

That evening we drive into the nearby village of Vaison-La-Romaine and dine at a Annexe Cafe on the main square in town.  Great meal after a long day of travel accompanied by some rose wine.  One thing you learn quickly dining in Provence, dinner will be an all evening affair so sit back and relax and enjoy the meal.  

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