Monday, October 7, 2013

And so it begins.....

After seeing several CT3 teammates experience great success in the Ironman distance this season, I decided it was time to put my chips on the table and go after that next tattoo.  I also told Jen I get to choose the placement of her Ironman tat, I can assure you it will look great when she is in the tuck position on her tri bike. 

Of course it all sounds fun and glamourous when you are enjoying a manhattan or maybe it was that second manhattan that made me commit.  For now it is a matter of getting back in the proverbial saddle, making sure not to forget the chamois cream, and begin focusing on training again.  I am still not back into training 100% but feeling much better about my swim workouts and enjoying the weekly yoga sessions.

We registered for the LA marathon this weekend after only one of us received an entry for the London marathon.  All for the best as we secured a great hotel right on the beach in Santa Monica and few yards from the finish line.  Now we need to find a good place for sushi and cocktails and our planning for the trip will be complete. 

I hope this blog will continually serve as a good reminder to enjoy the journey I am on, not just for Zurich but every other part of my life as well.

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